
Monday, October 23 my homework for me...and I'll ...uh...make you a commander

Not suprising that his brother-in-law wrote it or translated it. I am not sure I even understand this news item, since the writer has used so many pronouns....but what is obvious is that now is a very good time to be close to the President....
The Urdu version published by Ferozsons is a hard-bound edition containing 411 pages and priced at Rs495. Initially 20,000 copies have been published.

It is believed that Sehba Musharraf and president’s former deputy military secretary Brigadier Asim Saleem Bajwa, who now commands the 111 Brigade, played an active role in the publication of the Urdu edition.

The translation itself is the work of the president’s brother-in-law. Apparently, it was on their advice that the president changed the title which according to him made more sense in the Pakistan context and as he put it: “Pakistan always remains foremost in mind.”

President Musharraf has repeatedly appreciated the ‘hard work and loyalty’ of Brigadier Bajwa, the man without whom he says his book would not have been possible.

While expressing his gratitude for Mr Bajwa again on Saturday at the book launch, the president said: “He has just been promoted.” However, he hastened to add: “But that’s not because of the book!”
Whether or not he got the promotion because of his role and close relationship with the Pres is not even the point. The more I hear about Musharraf, his book and the cronies who helped write, translate, publish, and promote it....the more disillusioned I get. I really don't see how this helps the cause of the country.

Though it certainly does assist Musharraf to put puppets and loyalists around him....

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